Thank you for contributing to Kindness Initiative. Your financial support makes a meaningful difference in the lives of vulnerable Jewish households that struggle to meet their basic human needs.
There are a variety of ways to support Kindness Initiative, from “Lead Sponsorship” opportunities, to one-time contributions, to legacy gifts and Giving Societies, which honor donors at different levels. In addition to cash donations, there are other ways to give. Select the way you would like to give, or learn more about each of the donation programs we offer.
New Distribution Center Funding Opportunities
Support the Expansion of our New Distribution Center
Make a Gift Now
You can make a one-time or recurring donations to support Struggling families.
You, your family, or your community organization can “adopt” a local Jewish family, and make a substantial difference in the life of a specific individual or household, through a monthly contribution of $360/mo for 12 months.
kindnessG’MACH takes care of the basic physical household needs of Jews in San Diego County and has no revenues – every item is given away at no cost. We solely rely on your donations to support and grow the organization, allowing us to continue to provide goods with dignity, compassion, and privacy.
Kindness Emergency Support Fund for Israelis Living in San Diego
Israelis have been displaced due to the ongoing war and many have come to San Diego. They need emotional support, housing, assistance with basic household items, baby gear, clothing, and so much more. They have left Israel with nothing, thanks to our case managers, volunteers, and kindnessG’MACH, we have been able to assist these distressed Israelis, but we know that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Please donate to our Kindness Emergency Support Fund (KESF) and assist struggling Israelis in our Jewish community, they need us now, more than ever!
Lead Sponsorship Opportunities
From “Lead Sponsor” to specific project-sponsors, there are many levels of giving that offer the opportunity for name recognition.
Specific Project & Program Funding
There are many projects being undertaken by Kindness Initiative to improve the lives of those vulnerable members of our Jewish community. Select the project(s) you would like to fund, and become the primary sponsor for that project, or donate to a designated fund, for a specific purpose.
Other Ways to Give
Donate a vehicle, gift securities, or make a permanent named fund. Here is how to do it!

Thank you for offering a helping hand!